
TNPSC 12 Books - (Tamil & English)

By Veranda RACE

₹ 5310

₹ 6,000

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12 TNPSC Book List

1. Economy

2. Unit 9

3. INM

4. History

5. Polity

6. Phy & Chemistry

7. Biology

8. Geography & Environment

9. Maths

10. Tamil Part A

11. Tamil Part B and C

12. Unit 8


Veranda RACE's 12 TNPSC Books in English/Tamil will offer you a solid foundation for your TNPSC exam preparation. These books are prepared based on the Old & New Samacheer Kalvi TN school books. So candidates can use these books as a single source to comprehensively prepare for the upcoming TNPSC exams.

TNPSC candidates can prepare for the upcoming TNPSC exams using Veranda RACE's 12 TNPSC Books available in both English and Tamil languages. Since these books are prepared and curated from Old & New Samacheer Kalvi TN school books, candidates can use them to prepare for the TNPSC Exams.